Thursday, September 4, 2008

Myself as a reader

One of my earliest memories as a reader was when I was in a reading group, seperated by level, in our classes in elementary school. I would go hours at a time, sneaking in chapters during class, when I was supposed to be doing something else. Even when we had indoor recess on rainy days, you could always find me at my desk devouring a different book evey day. I also joined the summer reading program at the public library and really enjoyed being involved in many activities with other children my own age, who loved to read. Now as a reader, all I want to do on rainy days, like today, is stay home and read. Just sit at home and fall away into another world. I also really enjoy reading at the public library. There's an area upstairs where there are chairs looking out huge windows above downtown, and there are heaters by your feet. The perfect place to be on a snowy Saturday. Right now, I'm really hooked on the Twilight books. The vampire teenage romance that takes place in Forks, Oregon. The first adition to the series, Twilight, written by Stephanie Meyer, is coming out as a movie on November 21st, 2008. I can't wait to see it. My friends are all planning to go to the midnight showing. Even though I'll be really tired during classt the next day, it'll be worth it.


J. Pingrey said...

Your writing is so eloquent! I am convinced that the more you read, the more you expand your vocabulary and increase your writing fluency. You are a great example!
Your description of the public library makes me actually wish for a snowy or rainy day-that is exactly what I would like to be doing! I will have to find those chairs overlooking downtown-what a perfect spot! I look forward to reading about the books you are devouring-and hope you enjoy the Twilight movie (although you know the movie can never compare to the book...) Happy reading!

Brieleigh said...

I love your blog! It's really cool... I love to read too, and I feel the same way about the reading and you could always find me behind a book. :)
